Il premio di Composizione "Prix de Rome"

L'elenco dei vincitori del Premio di Composizione "Prix de Rome" è stato preso dal sito della "The Morrison Foundation for Musical Research, Inc."


Data e vincitore del Primo Premio Composizione premiata
1803 Albert Androt (1781-1804) (11) Alcyone
1804 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1805 Victor Dourien e Ferdinand Gass (1780-ca.1840) Cupido pleurant Psyché
1806 Guillaume Bouteiller (1788 - ?) Héro et Léandre
1807 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1808 Pierre-Auguste-Louis Blondeau (1784-ca.1865) Marie Stuart
1809 Joseph Daussoigne-Mehul Agar dans le désert
1810 Desire Beaulieu Héro
1811 Hippolyte Chelard (1789-1861) (4) Ariane
1812 Ferdinand Hérold (1791-1833) La Duchesse de La Vallière
1813 Auguste Panseron (1795-1859) (5) Herminie
1814 Pierre Roll (1798-1855) Atala
1815 François Benoist (1794-1878) Ænoe
1816 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1817 Desire-Alexandre Batton (1798-1855) La Mort d’Adonis
1818 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1819 Fromental Halévy e Pierre Massin-Turina Herminie
1820 Simon LeBorne Sophonisbe
1821 Louis-Victor-Etienne Rifaut (1) Diane
1822 Pierre Le Bourgeois (1799-1824) Geneviève et Brabant
1823 Edouard Boilly (1799-1854) e Louis Ermel Pyramie et Thisbé
1824 Auguste Barbereau (1799-1879) Agnès Sorel
1825 Albert Guillon Ariane dans l’îe de Naxos
1826 Claude Paris (1808-1866) Herminie
1827 Jean Baptiste Guiraud (3) Orphée
1828 Guillaume Ross-Despréaux Herminie
1829 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1830 Hector Berlioz (1803-1869) (14) e Alexandre Montfort Sardanapale
1831 Eugene Prévost Bianca Capello
1832 Amboise Thomas (1811-1896) (15) Hermann et Ketty
1833 Alphonse Thys (1807-1879) Le Contrebandier espagnol
1834 Antoine Elwart (1808-1867) (2) L’Entrée en loge
1835 Ernest Boulanger (12) Achille
1836 Xavier Boisselot (1811-1893) Velléda
1837 Louis D. Besozzi Marie Stuart et Rizzio
1838 Georges Bousquet (1818-1854) La Vendetta
1839 Charles Gounod (1818-1893) Fernand
1840 Francois Bazin (1816-1878) Loyse de Montfort
1841 Aime Maillart (1817-1871) Lionel Foscari
1842 Alexis Roger (1814-1846) La Reine Flore
1843 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1844 Victor Massé (1822-1884) e Renaud de Vilbac (1829-1884) Le Renégat
1845 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1846 Leon Gastinel Vélasquez
1847 Pierre-Louis Deffés (1819-1900) L’Ange et Tobie
1848 Jules-Laurent Duprato (1827-1892) Damoclès
1849 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1850 Joseph Charlot (9) Emma et Eginhard
1851 Jean Deléhelle (8) Le Prisonnier
1852 Alphonse Léonce Cohen (7) Le Retour de Virginie
1853 Charles Galibert (1826-1858) (10) Le Rocher d’Appenzell
1854 Adrien Barthe (1828-1898) Francesca di Rimini
1855 Jean Conte (b. 1830) (6) Acis et Galatée
1856 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1857 Georges Bizet (1838-1875) e Charles Colin (1832-1881) Clovis et Clotilde
1858 Samuel David (6) Jephté
1859 Ernest Guiraud (1837-1892) Bajazet et le joueur de flûte
1860 Emile Paladilhe (1844-1926) Le Czar Ivan IV
1861 Theodore Dubois (1837-1924) Atala
1862 Louis Albert Bourgault-Ducoudray (1840-1910) Louise de Mézières
1863 Jules Massenet (1842-1912) (6) David Rizzio
1864 Victor Sieg (1837 - ?) Ivanhoe
1865 Charles Lenepveu [sic] (1840-1910) Renaud dans les jardins de’Armide
1866 Emile Pessard (1843-1917) Dalila
1867 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1868 Alfred Pelletier Rabateau e Eugene Wintzweiller (1844-1870) Daniel
1869 Antoine Taudou (1846-1925) Françoise de Rimini
1870 Henri Maréchal (1842-1924) e Charles Lefebvre (1843-1917) Le Jugement de Dieu
1871 Gaston Serpette (1846-1904) Jeanne d’Arc
1872 [Gervais Bernard ] Gaston Salvayre (b. 1847) Calypso
1873 Paul Puget (1848-1917) Mazeppa
1874 Leon Ehrhart (1854-1875) Acis et Galatée
1875 Andre Wormster Clytemnestre
1876 Paul Joseph Guillaume Hillemacher (1852-1933) e Paul Véronge de la Nux (1853-1910) Judith
1877 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1878 Clement Broutin e Samuel Rousseau (1853-1904) La Fille de Jephté
1879 George Hüe (1858-1948) Médée
1880 Lucien Hillemacher (1860-1909) Fingal
1881 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1882 Georges Marty (1860-1908) e Gabriel Pierné (1863-1937) Edith
1883 Paul Vidal (1863-1931) La Gladiateur
1884 Claude Debussy (1862-1918) L’Enfant prodigue
1885 Xavier Leroux (1863-1919) Endymion
1886 Augustin Savard (1861-1942) La Vision de Saül
1887 Gustav Charpentier (1860-1956) Didon
1888 Camille Erlanger (1863-1919) Velléda
1889 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1890 Gaston Carraud (1864-1920) Cléopâtre
1891 Charles Silver (1868-1949) L’Interdit
1892 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1893 Andre Bloch e Henri Büsser (1872-1974) Antigone
1894 Henri Rabaud (1873-1949) Daphné
1895 Omer Letorey (1873-1938) Clarisse Harlowe
1896 Jules Mouquet Mélusine
1897 Max D’Ollone (1875-1959) Frédégone
1898 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1899 Charles Levadé e Edmund Malherbe Callirhoé
1900 Florent Schmitt (1870-1958) Séramadis
1901 Andre Caplet (1878-1925) Myrrha
1902 Ayme Kunc (1877-1958) Alcyone
1903 Raoul Laparra (1876-1943) Ulysse
1904 Raymond Pech (1876 - ?) Médora
1905 Victor Gallois e Marcel Samuel Rousseau (1882-1955) Maïa
1906 Louis Dumas Ismaïl
1907 Maurice Le Boucher (1882-1964) Selma
1908 Andre Gailhard (1885-1966) La Sirène
1909 Jules Mazellier (1885- ?) La Roussalka
1910 Noël Gallon (1891-1966) Acis et Galathée
1911 Paul Paray (1886 -1979) Yanitza
1912 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1913 Lily Boulanger(13) e Delvincourt Faust et Hèléne
1914 Marcel Dupré (1886-1971) Psyché
1915 Non c'è stato il Concorso  
1916 Non c'è stato il Concorso  
1917 Non c'è stato il Concorso  
1918 Non c'è stato il Concorso  
1919 Marc Demas & Jacques Ibert Le Poète et la Fée
1920 Marguerite Canal Don Juan
1921 Jacques Sauville de La Presle (1888-1969) Hermoine
1922 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1923 Jeanne Leleu (1898-1979) e Francis Bousquet (1890-1942) Béatrix
1924 Robert Dussaud Les Amants de Vérone
1925 Louis Fourestier (1892-1976) La Mort d’Adonis
1926 René Guillou (1903-1958) L’Autre Mère
1927 Edmond Gaujac Corilon
1928 Raymond Loucheur Héraklès à Delphes
1929 Elsa Barraine (1910-1999) La Vierge guerrière
1930 Tony Aubin (1907-1981) Actéon
1931 Jacques Dupont L’Ensorceleuse
1932 Yvonne Desportes (1907-1993) Le Pardon
1933 Robert L.Plenel Idylle funambulesque
1934 Eugene Bozza (1905-1991) La Légende de Roukmäni
1935 Rene Challan (1910-1978) Le Château endormi
1936 Marcel Stern Gisèle
1937 Victor Serventi La Belle et la bête
1938 Henri Dutilleux L’Anneau du roi
1939 Pierrie Mailliard-Verger La Farce du mari fondu
1940 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1941 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1942 Alfred F. Desenclos Pygmalion délíveré
1943 Pierre Sancan Icare
1944 Raymond Gallois-Montbrun (1918-1994) Louise de la Miséricorde
1945 Marcel Bitsch (1921) e Claude Pascal La Farce de contrebandier
1946 Pierre Petit (1922-2000) Le Jeu de l’amour et du hasard
1947 Jean-Michel Damase Et le belle se réveilla
1948 Odette Gartenlaub (dite Garty) Genovefa
1949 Adrienne Clostre La Résurrection de Lazare
1950 Evenlyne Plicque-Andreani Bettina
1951 Charles Chayne Et l’homme se vit rouvrir les portes
1952 Alain Weber (1930)  
1953 Jacques Casterede e Pierick Houdy (1928)  
1954 Roger Boutry (1932)  
1955 Pierre-Max Dubois  
1956 Jean Aubain  
1957 Alain Bernaud  
1958 Noël Lancien (1934-1999)  
1959 Alain Margoni  
1960 Gilles Boizard  
1961 Christian Manen  
1962 Alain Petitgirard  
1963 Yves Cornière (1934)  
1964 Nessun vincitore del Primo Premio  
1965 Thérèse Brenet (1935)  
1966 Monique Cecconi-Botella  
1967 Michel Rateau  
1968 Alain Louvier

Footnotes and Comments

  1. Berlioz states (Memoires of Hector Berlioz, Trns. D. Cairns, pg.76) that Rifaut was the mediocre pianist who attempted to play Berlioz’s Bacchanale for his Institute Examination and floundered in the middle until it completely broke down. The judges (Cherubini, et al,) condemned the work as unplayable. Ironically, two years later, Rifaut was appointed as Professor of Accompaniment at the Conservatoire. Rifaut was at the Villa Medici (Prix de Rome) from Dec. 20, 1821 to Dec.31, 1823)
  2. Elwart authored Histoire de la Socièté des Concerts [op. cit., p. 277];Elwart was known as an orator, especially eulogies, but Berlioz, who died first, was unimpressed by his ability as a speaker. He said of Elwart "If you are to speak at my funeral, I prefer not to die." (
  3. Father of Ernest Guiraud winner of the Prix de Rome in 1859
  4. Berlioz in preparation for a concert with the Weimar orchestra in 1843, spoke highly of Kapellmeister Chelard saying, "…like a true artist, and also compatriot and old friend, did everything possible to help me achieve my ends. In my honor, Chelard and Lobe had hunted up all the extra string players they could find to augment its normal strength…" After Berlioz’s Symphony Fantastique, Chelard "declared for him the March to the Scaffold came before everything else…" [op. cit, pp.288-290]
  5. Panseron was professor of Harmony at the Conservatoire, a conductor, author, and opera composer. He was among the first to publicly criticize Berlioz writing an unfavorable review of his concert given May 26, 1828 that included 2 overtures, Resurrexit from his Mass, and the Sacred March of the Magi. (op. cit., p.102-103).
  6. Conte, a student a Carafa; David, a student of Halévy; and Massenet, a student of Thomas, as Prix de Rome laureates, all competed in 1867 to provide a one-act work for the Opéra-Comiqué. Massenet finished well ahead of Conte and David and was given priority. The result was La Grand’ Tante. It was performed 17 times. (Massenet: A. Chronicle of His Life and Times, D. Irvine, pg.48)
  7. Composer, teacher, and Prix de Rome laureate of 1819, Fromental Halévy, commented on Prix de Rome laureates' works sent from Rome to the conservatoire in Paris. Of Cohen's Misse sollennelle, he said, "The style is not always as elevated as the subject demands, but he has verve and warmth. He is to be congratulated." (Jordan, Ruth, Fromental Halévy: His Life and Music, (New York:1994), pg. 166.
  8. Of Deléhelle, Halévy said, "We invite him to show more application to his studies and not indulge a tendency for facile writing which is detrimental to his composition and nips in the bud those good qualities which we recognize in him." (Ibid.) 
  9. Charlet had been sick in Rome and sent only a incomplete manuscript. Halévy said of it, "His incomplete work reveals clarity and intelligent understanding of orchestration." (Ibid.)
  10. Halévy warned Calibert, "Do not be facile." (Ibid.)
  11. Androt arrived in Rome in January 1804 after winning the very first Prix de Rome for music. He caught plague and died in August of the same year. At his funeral a De profundis written by Androt was sung. (Ibid., Pg. 11)
  12. Father of Lili Boulanger (1893-1918) Prix de Rome 1913 and sister Nadia Boulanger (1887-1979) acclaimed teacher of composition

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